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Tampil di Met Gala 2023, Penyanyi Lil Nas X Bergaya Layaknya Manusia Silver


Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

2 Mei 2023 00:00 WIB

Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

2 Mei 2023 00:00 WIB

Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

2 Mei 2023 00:00 WIB

Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
Penyanyi Lil Nas X berpose saat menghadiri di ajang Met Gala, di Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute di New York City, New York, AS, 1 Mei 2023. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

2 Mei 2023 00:00 WIB